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A Clement Hill
A Clement Hill is an acrylic and pencil painting on canvas.
It was created by Darryl Robertson
in 2004 from inspiration he got from
his great uncle who was sadly killed in action at the Battle of Monte Cassino,
in Italy in 1944. Allen Clement Hill was in the 26th New Zealand Battalion at the time.
In 2004, 60 years later it was a time of healing and remembrance as 70 older soldiers in their 80s returned to Cassino as part of the Our Heros Trust visit to Italy.
The painting was taken to Cassino and presented by Mr.Greg Evans the head of the Our Heros Trust, to the Head Abbott of The Monte Cassino Abby as a symbol of thanks for the visit and for the care and respect the people of cassino have for the graves and families of the fallen and all libertating soldiers dead and alive, who freed the town.
Allen Clement Hill and thousands of other men never made it to the hill
top But this artwork remembers them as it now resides in the Abby at the
top of Monte Cassino Hill
overlooking the Cassino Comonweath Cemetery
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